Help! My Longan plant looks really sick.

This is my Longan plant, from the image you can see that the leafs look pretty rough and theres also this white stuff on it, not sure what it is so please let me know if you know. [ Heres some extra info i think you might find useful, this Longan plant is about a few years old now, I'm guessing 6 years old though I'm not exactly sure. The white part is only on the upper part of the plant and the lower part doesn't have any. The leaves on the upper part look more rough than the lower part of it. I have 2 other Longan plants and they look perfectly healthy with no rough looking leafs and white stuff on them (The sick Longan plant is the youngest of the three but the biggest/ tallest) . Might be a shocker but I already first noticed it about 2 years ago on the same plant but i ignored it, just looks a little worse lately so I started to become a little more concerned. At one point, about a few months ago, nearly all the leafs were gone and somehow it managed to survive, but the winds were very strong at that time so i don't think it the white stuff was the sole reason.] Thank you for reading, if you know the problem or have a guess, please let me know!


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