How do I rescue these cucumbers?

Hi folks,I've moved my cucumber plants into the greenhouse when they outgrew their pots, and they've been trying to commit suicide ever since. They've started to droop and look like they're dying. I'm not sure what to do to help them. I've tried adding some fertilizer (earthworm poo), some long-term fertilizer (horn shavings), adding more water, nothing seems to help them. The weather hasn't been great, but I do have heating in the greenouse which turns on in case it drops below 1 degree. As far as I know the night temps haven't fallen below 3. The plants are in a raised bed, inside the greenhouse, the top soil layer is quite dry, but it's quite moist when you dig underneath. I don't think they're taking up much water. The other plants are happy in the same conditions, tomatoes are doing well, salads are doing well, but cucumbers look awful. Should I just give up and replace them with something else, or is there a way to rescue them? I can dig them out and put them back in pots if that will help.Thanks!


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