Please help I beg!

So the other day I noticed some leaves missing from my pepper plant and thought it was odd they just disappeared like didn’t see them on the ground or anything. Well yesterday I found a hornworm dead on the ground from the storm and the dread came over my body that that may be the reason. So I checked my plant and there was one horn worm on it. Well I see on my other pepper plant a couple leaves missing and I’m WORRIED! I looked it up and saw they can DEMOLISH a whole plant overnight and now that I think about it I literally woke up one day to all the leaves on my other pepper plant gone mysteriously but I didn’t know they could mess up the plant so quickly 🥲 I wanna know the most FOOL proof way to PREVENT them. Because sitting there tryna look through the plant and find them suckers was SO HARD (they’re so good at blending in 🥲) I wanna know what will 10000% keep them away please!!!! My plants and I thank you in advance!


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