I bought a bag of Acidantheras at Costco today. Join me on my slow descent into madness.

So, I kill pretty much everything I try to grow. But, as per tradition, I've once again got it into my head that despite my lengthy track record of being incapable of keeping even my weeds alive, I'm going to be a plant gay this year and start a memorial garden for my mother. So obviously, I got a bag of persnickity bulbs to grow. Excellent start. What could possibly go wrong. Did I do much more than a cursory google before buying the poor bulbs? Don't be absurd, I'm not that responsible. But it has been slow at work tonight so I've been excitedly researching. All I currently know is as follows:1) In zone 6 (that's me), they're basically annuals but maybe not if they're in pots? TBD2) Drainage like their tiny little lives depend on it!3) Sun??? But not hot? But also not cold? No actual temperatures given because of course. But NOT SHADE!! Except maybe a little shade.4) Don't let them dry out. ⚠️¡DON'T LET THEM GET TOO WET!⚠️5) When the winter comes, you must be like the squirrels and dig them up. And like the squirrels, you will definitely remember where you planted them. Store them in a garage. But keep them 60-65 degrees Fahrenheit. Because that is definitely the ambient temperatures of garages in the north during winter.6) If you have planted them in containers, rule 4 belongs to Schrödinger. Maybe you keep them in pots inside. Maybe you dig them out of the pots and put them in the most comfortable garage and throw out the dirt. (The dirt is dead now. Forget the dirt. Neither fertilizer nor compost can mend its sins. Forsake the dirt!) Maybe they were annuals all along and the squirrels got sick of your sh--... dogs, unionized, started several blogs (squirrels would make wicked influencers, I'm not even mad about it) and now they will watch you in the fall, digging up your useless nuts, storing them with care, and the thought of your springtime tears will keep them warmer than your garage through the harsh winter ahead.7) Plant them 4"-6" deep.8) A container 8" in diameter should be fine. How deep should your container be? Let me ask my union steward. Or maybe plant 8 bulbs in a 12" container? Who's to say, really. 🤷‍♂️9) Acidanthera said "I'll get you, my pretty. And your little cats, too!" Then cackled and collectively tumbleweed-ed into the 60-65 degree garage. But the flowers should add a flavor to spreads and salads. So I'm sure it's fine.10) But really, so long as you follow these simple steps, this is "A plant that is easy to grow and easy to look after."So anyways, does anyone know how deep these window boxes I'm about to order for these 100% doomed bulbs should be?


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