Nerine Sarniensis soil to sand ratio?

Few days ago i bought a large container with 50cm effective diameter and 43cm height with 60l max capacity. I also bought a movable tray with wheels.I intend to add a layer of small rocks/pebbles in order to improve drainage further.As far so soil goes i purchased 50l of premium soil mixture with added clay, but no sand, which is supposedly good for drainage for Sariensis and Nerine x Amaryllis hybrids.I have quartz sand for construction in 2-5mm granulation, but i don't to know the specific ratio when mixing it with soil.I intend to plant:Nerine SarniensisNerine Sarniensis x Amaryllis (?)Nerine BowdeniiNerine Bowdenii x AmaryllisI would love to add/change some of these with plants from Lycoris genus, but as far as i know they only bloom for 2 weeks (Radiata) and there's insufficient amount of information about other plants in this genus.Another question i have is about their root depth - considering the container is so tall, the roots should have more than enough space to develop - does that mean i can reduce bulb spacing a bit?Thank you for your time


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