An invasion of tomato plants last year in our yard

Hi there! Last year I noticed something weird was happening in our yard. Very weird.To be precise, there were tomato plants growing in all kinds of places. Didn't cover anywhere remotely near the entire yard but were certainly noticeable. In gardens, small fruit orchards (a place where we have strawberries, raspberries and such),in terrible soil close to the outside WC, even in pots. What did in the world happen? I can't remember this ever occuring before on this scale at least. And there was quite a large distance between the two furthest occurences. Me and my family are also not the type of people who commonly eat outdoors and don't eat too many tomatoes anyway.It's worth noting it wasn't an exactly unique case though given there was a year recently when mulberries were doing a similar thing due to me happening to have some of it here. Still, I can't remember any sprouts of it appearing last year even though there were more than enough mulberry fruits around, so something else might be in play.


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