I've posted two separate image led posts in the last two days and none of them show up when I look through or even search for them, but reddit gives me the post success notification...What am I doing wrong !?
I am trying to grow basil, sage (maybe breggarten?), and mint. I bought one pot of each 2-3 weeks ago. I put the mint and sage each in a flower box, and the basil in a (medium) flower pot. It's winter here (mainly rain and cold), so pretty soon garden snails and slugs started to eat them---especially the sage, with over half of its leaves now eaten. Since I plan to eat them, I bought a natural-based snail and slug repellent. It's based on some Gaultheria oil thing. It doesn't work. Slugs and snails just go to the planters' brim and bypass the barrier I sprinkled around them. I tried that old-wives tale of cooper wire. It doesn't work. And it looks like the copper barrier needs to be at least 5cm thick to work anyway (preferably 10cm and up). Salt isn't an option since it'll kill plants. Using synthetic snail and slug bait to kill them isn't an option either. I don't want to find out if it does break down and enter plants or not (and thus would enter...
Hi there! Last year I noticed something weird was happening in our yard. Very weird.To be precise, there were tomato plants growing in all kinds of places. Didn't cover anywhere remotely near the entire yard but were certainly noticeable. In gardens, small fruit orchards (a place where we have strawberries, raspberries and such),in terrible soil close to the outside WC, even in pots. What did in the world happen? I can't remember this ever occuring before on this scale at least. And there was quite a large distance between the two furthest occurences. Me and my family are also not the type of people who commonly eat outdoors and don't eat too many tomatoes anyway.It's worth noting it wasn't an exactly unique case though given there was a year recently when mulberries were doing a similar thing due to me happening to have some of it here. Still, I can't remember any sprouts of it appearing last year even though there were more than enough mulberry fruits around,...
Hi everyone! Ive got a question about growing cedar of Lebanon from seed. I was able to collect a few seeds from huge Cedar of Lebanon trees in Lebanon earlier this year and decided to plant them once I came back from my trip. Back at home, I got them to germinate and planted them in pots. They almost all started to grow perfectly to about 3-5 cm tall and the all looked healthy, the faster growing ones are already starting to grow their 2nd set of leaves/needles. However, one day I found one laying flat on the ground, that still looked perfectly fine apart from that. When I lightly pulled on it, I was able to pull it out completely, ripping it off at the bottom of the stem though. As I didn’t pull very hard I looked closer and saw that where it had ripped, it had somewhat rotted and turned dark and kinda shrunk (this rotting spot is very close to where the little stem is touching the soil and in the first little bit of the soil as well). This confused me a little, as the other seedlin...
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