New 15m x 12m Garden, Blank Slate, Looking for Ideas

Hi /r/gardening hope you're all doing good.Lucky me managed to secure a primo new new to me property with a lovely large garden. Here's the sat-view with some mark-up to make more sense of it. It's at 52.3° North, in the Northwest UK, and pretty close (<1.5miles) to the coast. My ideal spot.Decently average rainfall, sun-hours above average and in a semi sheltered spot from the prevailing winds. Temps are between lows of 0° to 10° in winter and 10° to 20°+ in summer. Very dry of late however.Garden is pretty much flat but with a gentle rise to the back of only around 40 to 50cm overall.Soil is ... TBC, not moved in yet, but the site used to be allotments. Currently turf of some hardy coastal type. Doesn't appear to be growing in a big hurry.The access is via the little path between the N and the arrow on my map, otherwise it's through the house. Tricky to get a tonne bag of conditioned compost in there directly for example, but I'm able bodied enough to use a barrow. Also large boulders are out of the question.I'm looking for ideas how to best place, probably in terms of the sun angle in particular;Beds for veggies (would start with x4 for rotation) in terms of sun aspect. Also looking for ideas on what angles to build them, lengths, heights (raised beds a bit preferred I think).How to run paths at the optimal angle for the best sun on the beds over the yearFlowering plant beds, what types, evergreen/perennial/etcGreenhouse or Polytunnel (Greenhouse pref for longevity) - types and style ideas welcome!Watering systems for collection and distribution based on house and greenhouse/polySitting area - open fire pit (closer to house, further away? etc)Climbers / edibles to train along fences - not sure which fences suit what plantsApples, pears, cherries, other flowering plants to create a wall of colour or producePic of garden as is from top roomI'm using tools such as and to guide me. Also GQT and Gardeners World for some inspiration.Money is no object as such, because I can work towards a longer term finish and pin down good deals over time - I'm going to be doing this one stage at a time. Which stage first, not sure, that's where you guys come in with logic and wisdom. Greenhouse first? So I can grow my planties from seed next spring and start to build the beds? Paths first? What type of paths are best for long term, but aren't all Soviet and grim looking?Over to you and your collective advice and knowledge! Many thanks!PS Have some plants to take from current place/allotment, but they'll likely be in pots for the wintertime anyway. Hoping to move by October.Edits for formatting.


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