Trellis or twine for tomatoes?

I have leftover welded wire and t posts I used to make a dog run. The wire is 5 ft and I have a spot that gets full sun until 5:30, then dappled sun until sundown, which is like 8 for us. I'm in zone 8 in Fort Worth. I've never had a whole lot of luck with tomatoes in my native AZ but I'm excited to try my hand again in a new state.Either way I only want to do one plant as the humidity has me worried about disease and I will likely have one central stem and get rid of all the suckers - so I'll be doing the twining method regardless.I wouldn't have to buy anything more to go the trellis route whereas with the string method I'd have to purchase 2 pvc elbows a length of rebar and possibly landscaping staples but I'm not sold on the necessity of that last one. But anyways! Not much.I do want to reuse this setup for cucumbers, peas, beans, perhaps a nasturtium or another nice vining flower in the future so please weigh that into your vote. I especially would like to hear from folks who've done both and see what they did or didn't like about both of them!Tdlr: metal trellis vs cotton string. Tomatoes and other vining friends in the future. Zero monies vs a lil monies.Thank you!


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