Fun with carrot breeding for everyone. Easy and simple using supermarket carrots!

This is mainly for fun, if you want to try selective plant breeding. Especially for helping get children interested in gardening by turning it into a fun? science? experiment.Take some supermarket carrots and cop off the ends with the leaves. Put these ends in a shallow dish of water, lightly pressed into potting soil, or pressed into the soil of your garden. Eat the other parts of the carrots.Success of failure doesn't matter, you're making use of something that you would have thrown out.If these grow then they will eventually set seed you can collect. Plant the carrot seeds in pots or your garden. You will likely get a big variety of different shapes, sizes and colours of carrot. Cut off the ends of the carrots you like the look of and plant those ends, but don't plant any of the carrot ends from the carrots you don't like. Eventually, you could breed a white carrot this way, or make your carrots tend towards orange more frequently.You will get so much carrot seed that it'll be hard to not have some of it germinate.You can do this with other plants as well, some easier than others. Starting with carrots like this makes it easy to begin, because all you need are supermarket carrots.You could also try red capsicums/bell peppers from the supermarket, but when I tried this they all looked like good capsicums and I didn't get such a startling variety of colours and shapes like I did with carrots.Does anyone have suggestions for other plants to try?Which are difficult or frustrating to try breeding and why?
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